The Graduate Group has compiled a list of useful links to organizations dedicated to community development and other community-related causes.


American Planning Association (APA)

The APA and its professional institute - the American Institute of Certified Planners - are organized to advance the art and science of planning.

Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership

The Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership is a non-profit organization involved in housing development, community development training and grantsmanship throughout the metro Atlanta region.

California Coalition for Rural Housing

California Coalition for Rural Housing: CCRH is one of the oldest state low-income housing coalitions in the country. Through advocacy, organizing, research, and technical assistance, our goal is to make the case for rural housing improvement and strengthen the capacity of the nonprofit and public sectors to provide affordable housing and related facilities. Members are primarily community-based nonprofit and public developers, including the largest self-help housing producers in the United States, as well as local government officials, and local activists concerned about rural quality of life.

City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes

This non-profit society promotes urban food production and environmental conservation from a small office in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. It also sponsors a demonstration food garden in the Vancouver residential neighborhood Kitsilano.

The Cohouse Network

The Cohousing Network (TCN) is an organization whose purpose is to promote and encourage the cohousing concept. It also supports both individuals and groups in the creation of communities, and provides assistance to completed groups to improve their systems for living together.

Community Resources

A non-profit organization promoting community stewardship to restore our urban environment.

The Council for Community Economic Research (ACCRA)

ACCRA promotes excellence in community and economic research techniques by working to improve data quality and availability.

The Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE)

FCE is a non-profit organization co-founded in 1984 by M. Scott Peck to teach the community building methods of Peck's books Different Drum and World Waiting to Be Born.

HUD Home and Communities

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


HUD USER is the primary source for Federal Government reports and information on housing policy and programs, building technology, economic development, urban planning, and other housing-related topics.

International Healthy Cities Foundation (IHCF)

IHCF is interested in addressing urban and community issues, including concerns relating to health and quality of life issues.


CivicWell provides technical assistance to enhance the ability of local governments to create and sustain healthy environments, healthy economies, and social equity.

Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO)

MHCDO's goal is to promote and expand economic opportunities for citizens of the Marshall Heights neighborhood in Washington D.C., to link its residents with opportunities within the city and region, and to attract human and financial resources to the Marshall Heights community.

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (MDHCD)

MDHCD revitalizes communities, encourages home ownership, expands affordable housing oppotunities, and enhances Maryland's historic sites by providing rescources not available through the private sector.

National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)

NAHRO is a housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and viable communities.

National Housing Institute

The National Housing Institute is a 24-year old independent non-profit organization that examines the issues causing the crisis in housing and community in America. NHI examines key issues affecting affordable housing and community development.

Neighborhood Knowledge for all of California (NKCA)

NKCA intends to serve as statewide, interactive website that assembles and maps a variety of databases that can be used in neighborhood research. Its aim is to promote greater equity in housing and banking policy by providing a set of web-based tools for documenting and analyzing trends. In addition, it functions as a geographic repository for users to map their own communities by uploading their own datasets. NKCA will seek to address this divide by assembling a broad range of indicators on a statewide scale to highlight trends in public and private investment and the community-level impacts associated with these trends, visually mapping indicators in areas such as mortgage lending, population, and housing.

Neighborhood Knowledge Los Angeles (NKLA)

NKLA provides access to data and other community development resources in the Los Angeles area. The organization finds records of properties with building code violations, unpaid taxes, and other issues/violations.

Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations (PACDC)

PACDC is dedicated to the advocacy, policy development and technical assistance for community development corporations (CDCs) and other organizations in the greater Philadelphia area in their efforts to rebuild communities and revitalize neighborhoods.

Refinance Mortgage Rates

A housing guide created specifically for people living with disabilities.

Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF)

Co-founded by UC Davis graduate Diane Geng, RCEF's mission is to promote education for people in rural China that empowers them to improve their lives and communities.

Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

RCAC is dedicated to improving the quality of life for rural communities and disadvantaged people through partnerships, technical assistance and access to resources.

Rural Local Initiative Support Corporation (Rural LISC)

Rural LISC's website provides resources and networks for community development to community development corporations (CDCs) and other interested parties.

Urban Trees, Parks and Gardens

EcoIQ provides media products and services to promote community, business, and personal decisions that are eco-intelligent.